Meet the magical characters from Dazzle...
The colourful line-up includes...
Fred Pringle, the famous steeplejack and showman, has "a head for heights like Neil Armstrong." Fred's mysterious disappearance sets in train events that nearly lead to the destruction of the fun palace. If it weren't for...
Poppy Pringle, the shy young daughter of the famous Fred Pringle. She leads the eccentric band of fair-ground people - the Dazzlers, as they are proud to be known - to defeat the villains and restore the fun palace to its former glory.
Flossie Candour is a larger than life, blonde, shimmering, wonderful, flouncing great girlie girl. She runs the Dazzle Bay candy floss and toffee apple stall. She plays a key role in helping Poppy win the day.
Murgatroyd Megarich is a rich, cigar-smoking property developer. He is set on acquiring the Dazzle Bay Fun Palace, by fair means or foul. Does Murgatroyd have a spark of human warmth in him? Or is he lost completely to the smell of banknotes and Havanna cigars?
Skimpy is the boy who sweeps up the rubbish at the fair after the children have gone home. He is always cheerful and has a light in his eye for Poppy. His moment comes when trouble descends, and Skimpy rescues her in her darkest hour.
Sarkky Cutter, with jet-black hair and flashing green eyes, is a bit of a spiteful piece of work. Sarkky once worked at the fun palace on the fortune stall, but was sacked by Fred. Now she is out for revenge. One to watch, at all times!
Spooky is very pale and thin and dresses in black, as he operates the Ghost Train. He specialises in spine-chilling noises, and has a repertoire of screams of moans that can turn the hair of a Royal Marine white.
Uncle Waltztein, close friend of Fred, this kindly Merlin-type character runs the esteemed Dazzle Bay Walzers. He was once a great motorbiker, a rocker, but now he’s getting on a bit. He befriends Poppy, and is kind to her.
Sterling Squeamish, Murgatroyd's weasily accountant, has a calculator for a brain and a safe deposit box for a heart. "I know the price of everything, and the value of nothing, isn't that right, sir?"
Primula Clackett, Murgatroyd's personal assistant, with hair up in a bun and sharp grey business suit. She is tough minded, sharp tongued, and acid faced - and proud of it!"
Monkeychunks O'Hallerhan, the "strongest man in the county with a heart as big as Shropshire".
Parker and Guillemot, the two-headed, double breasted, three-legged estate agents, by “Royal appointment to the Akond of Swat” - and Murgatroyd Megarich.
Superintendent Beakworthy is head of Scotland Yard’s Fraud Squad. He comes down from London to investigate the claims made against the Fun Palace, and ends up uncovering something more alarming.
Chief Inspector Failsafe is Her Majesty’s Inspector of Health and Safety, called in to investigate the fun fair.
PC Bosun is the Dazzle Bay constable who collars the chief suspect.
Co-Co Nutsford runs the coconut shy.
Mary Goround runs the carousel.
A proven school musical
With a cast of brilliantly realised characters, Dazzle! is the perfect school musical for all ages - available in both Full (age 12 to 18) and Junior (age 8 to 11) versions.
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“A proven summer musical that inspires young performers, delights audiences and raises the roof wherever it is performed.”
“If a show fails to deliver, we will refund the purchase price in full.”